This new Men in Black 3 international poster is odd

Posted by on 04. 28. 2012in News Chat

I’ve seen a lot of interesting and fun things in the Men in Black series but this poster forego’s ‘creative’ with just ‘odd’. I mean it’s cool to showcase Will Smith and it does showcase something that will differentiate this movie from the crowd but look:

I understood the car in the first movie and so on but this is just weird. Is that the time machine?

Via: Movieweb

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I think its funny that Anthony even posted a comment about this movie without watching the trailer. Because if you watched the trailer you would know this is not the time machine. This is just a vehicle in the movie kind of like the vehicle from revenge of the sith.

anone25 5 pts moderator

I think its funny that you think it's funny!

I re-watched this trailer and was reminded why this movie is barely holding a place on the radar. The 2nd movie didnt do the franchise any favors and this 3rd film is different but hasn't given me that sense of 'Wonder' that I felt with the first movie. Maybe I'll change my mind after seeing in theaters

PanayiotisVerropoulos 5 pts

That's a motorcycle of sorts that assembles by it self! oh i said assemble, i'll have to see Avengers again!!!!!

Darek T 5 pts

Looks a lot like this :l