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June 28, 2012

Theatrical Trailer: Total Recall

— Posted by Erik


It has been far too long since we had any postings about Total Recall the remake of the Schwarzenegger sci-fi classic from 1990.


Watch Collin Farrel go all Bourne on the opposition and the esquisite Kate Beckinsale portray a “bad guy”. She could kick me around any day of the week!





Pure awsome. I particularly enjoyed the appearance of the three-titted-women, thats fan service for you.

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  • Brandon Christian

    It looks interesting. I’ve never really seen the original. As a teenager I wasn’t allowed to watch R rated movies. Since then it just seemed like a really cheesy movie. I heard they’re redoing Robocop as well. That one I have seen and love and think they may lose the point of the movie in the remake.

    • TMBErik

      @Brandon Christian If you havent seen Total Recall with Arnie just wait for the remake, made my younger brother watch it with me not too long ago and he wasnt impressed haha.
      Robocop is a classic for sure, I’ll wait for more info before I lean either way on that one but with Joel Kinnaman as the lead I got my fingers crossed!

  • ItsWinterBourne

    @themichaelstern oh shnap, this a totally different trailer. thanx bud! and it’s 2:40! lol. they just keep getting longer and longer. yay.

  • ItsWinterBourne

    @themichaelstern yeaaah!! Can’t believe I have to wait till AUGUST for this :( Winter ain’t happy. Check out the 2:26 minute trailer. INSANe

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