The Dark Knight Rises: 2 new TV Spots and a poster


And my attention once again lookes right passed ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ and lands right onto The Dark Knight Rises as this new TV spot actually manages to do something that the last Spider-Man clip didn’t: Show us something new.


Trailer #3

“You’re NOT BATMAN ANYMORE!” Nolan is a slickster and is tugging at the nerd endings with early guesses for the film have deduced that Bruce Wayne will stop being Batman for a portion of this film. The last few snippets of video released hinted at it but now that the film is nearing release he decided to spell it out for the naysayers and disbelievers.


Source: Screen Crave

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Daveinaccounting

    He stopped being batman at the end of Dark Knight. I suspect that that line is from early on in the film when Bruce Wayne is contemplating being batman again and Alfred is objecting the the whole idea. Regarding the new layout, when I first saw it, I hated it, but i hated it in that way that you hate sprite when you think you are drinking from a glass of water. It was a shock but it’s not a bad thing. The one change I would like to see is to transition back to the vertical articles instead of this grid setup, the grid just doesnt offer the natural progression of scrolling through articles like the vertical did.

  • gandalf83

    No problem. Gotta get my TDKR hit! Like the new scheme/layout btw.

    • Anthony_TMB

      @gandalf83 Thanks! We’re listening to all the feedback that you guys provide and making some tweaks as we go along. More Ideas and new stuff within the coming weeks!

  • gandalf83

    Is it me or are both of these TV spots the same clip?

    • Anthony_TMB

      @gandalf83 thanks!