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June 7, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man: 2 new clips and a feature

— Posted by Anthony


The Amazing Spider-Man has down the impossible and reserved a spot on the radar of summer 2012. Previously I looked passed this film entirely and relegated it as a ‘maybe’ in between The Avengers and the Dark Knight Rises. With G.I. Joe 2, foolishly, abandoning its prime spot in the summer it gives even more limelight for The Amazing Spider-Man to etch its way into the forefront of our minds. Below are two new clips for the film and a handy featurette showing off some of the stunts within the film:




The Amazing Spider-Man Exclusive - Clip - Giant LizardMovie Trailers, Metacafe Exclusive

Stunts Featurette


Very interesting and very informative. The Amazing Spider-man swings into theaters on July 3rd.


Source: Rama’s Screen

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