Supreme Leader Shabazz Aladeen Bestows Most Glorious News Upon the World!

Posted by on 10. 04. 2012in Hot Popcorn

Aladeen is a most popular leader and the people of our glorious land are known to spontaneously erect statues of him and fly banners saluting him whenever he visits their villages. A tireless worker, as well as being the country’s Number One Drive-time DJ, Aladeen also hosts a weekly talk-variety show, ‘The Aladeen Hour’, which lasts for 5 hours and is screened every Wednesday, then repeated on every other night of the week. Aladeen also hosts, judges and competes in Wadiya’s Next Top Model which he has won for a record 14 years running.

The rest of us meere mortals will now be allowed to learn more about Supreme Leader Shabazz Aladeen seventh son of the glorious Wadiyan President-For-Life Omar Aladeen on Wednesday, May 16, 2012.

I thank the benevolent Shabazz Aladeen my one true ruler for his selfless effort as I write this message at gun point I completely agree with the new and much improved release date for “The Dictator”.



This message was not brought to you by The Republic of Wadiya’s Ministry of Tourism and Torture.
Paramount Pictures are not owned by worlds handsomest leader and 6-year-running “Parkour Hunter of the Year” Shabazz Aladeen. Republic of Wadiya.

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