Super long. Super Preview. The Amazing Spider-Man


I admit it. This film won my interst. I still may not be a huge fan of the costume and the ache of the abandonment of Sam Rami’s established take on the character still lingers but that last trailer did a lot to change my outlook on Marc Webb’s upcoming take on the character. And sure I still had a little bit of lingering apprehension… then this came out and… well… see for yourself!

That’s what I hoped to see from this movie all along! Where was this kinda momentum 6 months ago? NOW I’M EXCITED. Thank Stan someone woke up the marketing folks, cus this is good. With great marketing, comes tony with a Halloween spider-man costume great motivation. And excitement. And me wandering around a theater creeping people out while make odd hand gestures while I murmur “Thwip”.

Via: First Showing

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • TomFlynnLaSusa

    Yep. I’m with you Anthony. If for no other reason that that scene with the kid.

    Sold…and I didn’t want to be either.