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March 8, 2012

Submit your Question to Ridley Scott!

— Posted by Erik

Ridley Scott is by far one of my favorite directors still actively working. In addition to loving the Alien franchise and Sci-Fi films in general, his effort has made Prometheus my most anticipated movie of the year which is nearly matched by The Dark Knight Rises.
Prometheus continues its bombardment with teasers, interviews and followed with yesterday’s Viral Video doing a great job of gradually ramping up interest. It continually teases and makes you ask questions but wouldn’t it be great to get an answer from someone with an answer? Who better to ask than Ridley Scott himself and Damon Lindlof (executive producer)? On March 17th 4PM at the AMC Downtown Disney in Anaheim following the premier of the official Trailer we’ll have that opportunity.

Source: Dark Horizon’s

Scott himself will be in attendance for a 30-minute Q&A with the director conducted by the film’s writer/producer and “Lost” show runner Damon Lindelof. The trailer will go online immediately following the event.

Don’t live in California or can’t get a ticket? No problem, you’ll be able to stream the event live through AMC, Facebook, and Twitter. In fact you can go over to AMC’s site right now to submit your questions for Scott.

Head over right now to AMC for your chance to have your question answered!

I have to just say it is really awesome of AMC Theatres, 20th Century Fox & Livestream to provide the fans with this opportunity, and for those of us who can’t be there, this is the very next best thing!

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  • glaucon

    Ah to dream…

    My question would be: When are you going to make your second good flick, as opposed to rehashing and milking the one decent one you already have made?

    • Pedro

      ALIEN, Bladerunner, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, Black Rain, Thelma and Louise (to name a few).
      He’s made a lot of good films so not exactly sure what you’re on about.

      • Erik

        Black Hawk Down…. such a great movie

      • glaucon

        Well Pedro, all I can say to that is: eye of the beholder…. etc., etc.

        I was of course referring to Alien.
        I am a longtime fan of Bladerunner, but by no means the ‘director’s cut. The original edit (once it was taken from his hands) is excellence itself.
        As for the other flicks you mention,… meh. I’ve seen the same story done better in different films..
        Again, to each his own…

  • Peter

    I already know the answer to the question that has been hovering over this Movie eversince its announcement:

    This is the Alien Prequel you always wanted to see.

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