More images for The Hobbit

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More images from 2012’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey have shown up online. A couple of these shots show an immense level of detail and staging for the depth of field in respect to how it’ll be translated into 3D. The word is the 48fps has given the 3D a smoother and more natural presence, but it’ll be one of those things to see for ourselves. So when December rolls around, we’ll have to do just that. Until then check out these new images.



Via: Neogaf



One thought on “More images for The Hobbit

  1. Great!! Can’t wait to see the first film it’s a gret opportunity for all the fans to visit real Middleearth for the premier… But as for me - three fillms - too much one single film could show everiything, but what’s more important than money for filmmakers?..

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