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December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas from The Movie Blog

— Posted by Anthony


I reminisce on memories when I think about Christmas. For me, it’s not about what I will receive but rather what new memories I’ll create with family and loved ones. Those memories, above all else, are what I remember and cherish. Those sentimental moments are what I look forward to rather than the gifts.


Today is the anniversary of Christmas which means a lot of different things to each of us but I think that we can all agree that we have a film to tether to some of our fondest memories. For me I will always cherish “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York”. Macauly Culkin was downright infectious and I was a naive impressionable young kid who wanted to find that amazing toy store that Kevin took a fascination with. It was in my home town but still found ways to surprise and amaze me, which honestly isn’t hard for a 9 year old boy. I wanted to publish this post for everyone to, hopefully, share what memories you may have and any films that may associate with those memories. If you choose not to share, that’s cool, I just hope you enjoy your holiday.


I’m sure the rest of the staff will echo my sentiments so from the entire staff I’d like to wish you all





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