Media Overload: Dark Shadows

Media Overload is a theme we deliver when we receive such a tremendous amount of images for a particular film that it often melts computers and overloads opticals just by loading the posts. This my international friends is a special high-res ‘Media Overload’ for ‘Dark Shadows’:

Via: Rama’s Screen

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • ScottHarrigan

    Tim Burton’s cutie horror style is starting to wear very thin. Whimsical Gothic is fun for a while, but his most recent movies have lack substance for the most part. Dark Shadows was a soap opera and Burton is going to burden it with an annoying smug self awareness that can kill the immersion in a film so easily. Alice in Wonderland was a complete mess and Dark Shadows just present more evidence that Burton has lost his groove.