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May 7, 2012

Lazy Mundaze May 7th, 2012

— Posted by TmbStaff

Welcome to our recurring feature “Lazy Mundaze”. How was your Monday? If it’s anything like mine then you’re probably drafting a proposal to your employer to begin practicing a 3-day weekend! While you do that below you can find that we’ve compiled some bite-size news for everyone to ingest to finish your day. I know. What better way to round of a Munday?

Need we say more?

Prometheus WILL be rated R

Via: Jo Blo
There had been some debate as to whether or not Ridley Scott’s upcoming ‘Prometheus’ would be released as an R-rated flick or would aim for the more financially successful, (i.e. safe route), of PG-13 land. Well the studios have chimed in and confirmed that the movie will be rated R for:
“sci-fi violence including some intense images, and brief language.”
Further proof is in the image to the left of a pre-ticket holder intending to see the film in IMAX glory.



Rare footage of Steven Spielberg directing on the set of Jurassic Park

Via: RowThree

This needs little to no introduction. It’s rare. It’s old (like VHS old) and shows Steven Spielberg at work crafting a masterpiece:


lejuice 2 will be true sequel and will NOT be forced for quick cash

Via: Worst Previews

Beetlejuice 2 looks to be a true sequel rather than a reboot or a remake, and writer Seth Grahame-Smith during a presser for Dark Shadows:

It’s all possible. In terms of the story, however, many years that are between the two films will be the amount of years that are between the two story lines…

It’s not a reboot or a remake, it’s a straight sequel with Michael Keaton returning as Beetlejuice…

“I’ve met with Michael Keaton about it, I’ve met with Tim [Burton] about it. Warner Brothers is obviously eager,” he said. “But right now the ball is in my court to crack the story that will make it worth doing this again. I don’t want to have to look fans in the face and apologize for making a bad ‘Beetlejuice’ movie. And I don’t want to make anything just because I can


At the Mountains of Madness is dead… thanks to Prometheus

Via: WorsPreviews

In somewhat surprising news it appears that the Guillermo Del Toro proposed flick with Tom Cruise “At the Mountains of Madness” is dead. Dead Dead. Why come? Cus it’s too similar to Prometheus and he doesn’t wanna make it anymore:

“Same premise. Scenes that would be almost identical. Both movies seem to share identical set pieces and the exact same BIG REVELATION (twist) at the end,”

“‘Prometheus’ started filming a while ago. The title itself gave me pause - knowing that ‘ALIEN’ was heavily influenced by Lovecraft and his novella. I assumed the Greek metaphor alluded at the creation aspects of the HPL book. I believe I am right and if so, this will probably mark a long pause - if not the demise - of [‘At theMountainof Madness’].”

That’s it for this week! See you in a week for another does of the Mundaze!

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“Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So, I figured that if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason."

— Asa Butterfield as Hugo Cabret from
, 2011


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