Keanu Reeve’s 47 Ronin Moves to February

47Ronin avoid the November snow

A deep sadness envelopes heart and soul

February now delivers the film

Universal Pictures has pushed back its samurai action drama 47 Ronin from a November 21, 2012 release date to February 8, 2013.

There were rumors that reshoots were taking place, although the studio denies those claims. Universal insiders say the movie is being delayed to perfect its 3D presentation. And so that they can debut trailers during the holiday season.

Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi, and Tadanobu Asano star in director Carl Rinsch’s latest adventure, about a group of 18th Century samurai warriors who seek to avenge the death of their master.

As of now, 47 Ronin will square off against the Relativity Media romance Safe Haven on February 8, 2013.

Source: MovieWeb

47 Ronin has been placed firmly on my radar after news broke that Keanu Reeves was cast. Initially of course I was a bit baffled that they choose Keanu to star next to an all asian cast and not because I dislike Keanu Reeve’s acting quite the contrary. For whatever reason I am very forgiving when it comes to films with Keanu, I like seeing him in movies. I want to say it’s from seeing him shooting his 9mm in the air in frustration as he allows Patrick Swayze to slip over the fence and out of reach. But then again this was a long time ago and I was a kid… Sigh can it have been Johnny Mnemonic that cemented Keanu on a pedestal? Damn you young Erik.

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