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December 5, 2012

Honest Movie Trailer: The Dark Knight Rises

— Posted by Anthony

I’ve been waiting for this moment. It’s hard to admit but a lot of the Dark Knight Rises just had issues. I almost want to say a lot of it sucked by my nerd brain and nerd endings just can’t accept that. “Christopher Nolan + Batman = Not Suck”, right? Right. But there were issues and this new honest trailer for The Dark Knight Rises forces you to look back at that movie and say in unison: WTF



So true. How the fuck did he swim 9 miles when that bomb went off?
Via: Screen Rant

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dRadnev 6 pts

OMG I didn't know about this channel on youtube, it is fucking hilarious. Thanks, guys! And the video about the TDKR is spot on!
