He’s worse than we thought, we now know Jar Jar Binks was thanked for betraying the Republic in Star Wars deleted scene

Posted by on 11. 02. 2012in News Chat

In more unsettling Star Wars news, we’re discovering that not only is Jar Jar Binks the focal point of detriment for the entire trilogy of Star Wars prequels, but he was also in collusion with Emperor Palpatine to overthrow the Republic and pretty much screw up life for everyone by politically supporting the Emperor. James Ahemed, the actor who portrayed the referenced Gun Gun, provides some insight to a scene that was letft on the cutting room floor of ‘Revenge of the Sith’.

Source: io9

“In Revenge of the Sith, there was a scene that was cut where I’m walking down a long pathway with Ian McDiarmid before he is turned into the Emperor,” Best explains. “And Palpatine kind of thanks Jar Jar for putting him in power. It’s a really interesting scene, and it shows the evolution of Jar Jar from this fun-loving kid’s character into this manipulated politician. And it was an interesting arc for the character that I thought could have been explored, because the scene is really dark. But it just didn’t fit in the movie, which I understand. But yeah, George’s take on it is Jar Jar is now just a politician.”

This is no surprise considering that Jar Jar wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer turned politician, but the confirmation of Jar Jar’s being thanked, even if manipulated, still finds a way to turn my stomach even after all these years. Jar Jar Binks… may I never see him again.

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One Response to “He’s worse than we thought, we now know Jar Jar Binks was thanked for betraying the Republic in Star Wars deleted scene”

  1. ThePeter says:

    I hated Jar Jar.

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