FINALLY a new photo of Batman from ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

Posted by on 07. 03. 2012in News Chat

It’s been a surprisingly long time since we’ve seen anything from the Dark Knight Rises production but here’s a new photo that’s been released as a promo image of Christian Bale as Batman:

Via: Geek Tyrant

I’m no expert but something tells me that this promo image is a close up show of a DC direct statue. Edges seem way too smooth and static to be something realistic and I don’t remember Batman’s’ cape looking that cloth-like. Either way I’m sure someone out there will make some great photoshop wallpapers out of this and it still does the trick to renew my anticipation for this film.

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The cape looks much better in this one, at least on that photo.

Am I the only one that is bothered by those boots? They are really awful. However, I'm really looking forward to this movie!

You are so right those look beyond hideous! It is as if someone replaced the actual boots and they just slapped on what was handy.

That is not christian bale if you look at the chin it looks to plastic like

Def a photo of a maquette. Looks awesome either way

DAMN That looks fantastic! Almost like something straight out of the comic book!