Contest: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Giveaway






The Movie Blog will be giving away a copy of the Director’s Cut: The Art of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book from the film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

In Theaters Nationwide June 22, 2012.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Rated R) - Visionary filmmakers Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov reinvent the time-honored genre and present the terrifying creatures of the night as they were meant to be experienced — as fierce, visceral, intense and bloodthirsty. ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER brings to the screen the secret life of our nation’s favorite president . . . as history’s greatest hunter of the undead.

The film stars Benjamin Walker, Anthony Mackie, Dominic Cooper, Rufus Sewell, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Erin Wasson and is based off of Seth Grahame-Smith’s novel of the same name.


From June 18-25, you can enter to win the Director’s Cut: The Art of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book from the film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter! Enter the giveaway NOW by commenting to this post and naming your favourite president and why they would be good at slaying vampires for your chance to win!


I’m really looking forward to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter! I’m a huge fan of the novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. The idea of President Lincoln having a secret life as a vampire hunter was more than entertaining.



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Vampire Hunters Wanted!
Download the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter game for FREE on the App Store now!


Prizes: Director’s Cut: The Art of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book
Number of prizes: One (1) Copy of the book
Estimated Value: $25
Contest start date: June 18, 2011
Contest end date: June 25, 2011
Open to: US/Canada residents 18 & over


In the event that any entrant does not, or is unable to, comply with and meet these Terms and Conditions and the competition information, TheMovieBlog shall be entitled at its sole discretion to disqualify such entrant, without any further liability to such entrant.


Only entries made via the published competition entry method will be deemed valid. Only one entry per person is permitted.


This competition is free to enter and no purchase is necessary.


This competition is not open to employees (or members of their immediate families) of TheMovieBlog, or the competition promoter.


No cash alternative for the prizes stated is offered.


Only one entry per person is permitted.


All entries must be made in the comment section of this post on TMB’s site. Comments on the Facebook and/or Twitter page will not be considered


Name your favourite president and why they would be good at slaying vampires in the comment form below!


About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Blake23

    My favorite to see would be Teddy Roosevelt, for sure. I’m picturing Robin Williams portraying him in the Night at the Museum films going out and slaying vampires and it would totally work. Since someone else mentioned Roosevelt, already, my runner-up would be Nixon. All you have to think of is Futurama’s portrayal of Nixon and you couldn’t argue that it would be a perfect fit with as sinister as they portray him.

  • Michelle

    I’ll go with John F. Kennedy. It may seem a bit random but I think he could be a good vampire slayer. He seems innocent but he is strong. When his PT boat was rammed and sunk he helped the survivors get out to safety. He was the youngest man elected president. He’s done things that could be helpful to slaying vampires. There’s something about him that I think he would have had it in him to make a good vampire slayer ;)

  • nt9977

    Harry S. Truman. He personally fought in WW I against vampires (A.K.A. Transylvanian aristocrats, A.K.A. the Central Powers — Transylvania was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the time), in which he was a battery commander in an artillery regiment. Under his command, not a single man was lost. His presidency oversaw the end of World War II when the scourge of Fascism was finally banished from the planet, as well as the fight against the Commies in the Korean War. But he also took a stand against insidious parasitic elements at home that threatened to suck the life-blood of the working man, in his “Fair Deal” proposals advocating national health insurance and repeal of the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act.

  • PatE

    Barack Obama. Blade Trilogy.

  • MoviaMania

    James K. Polk. He doesn’t get much recognition nowadays because of his self-imposed one term presidency. Still, he made the most of it. He grabbed half of Mexico in the Mexican-American War. (Man, are you complaining the Iraq War is illegal?He swindled the British into acquiring the Oregon Territory. Those nerves of steel got us Texas, California, and Washington, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your point of view.

  • Shane

    I have two. First, Andrew Jackson. His nickname was “Old Hickory”. Pretty tough and badass. Plus, his nickname could have a double meaning. Such as the type of wood he uses to slay the vampires. Secondly, I would go with Ulysses S Grant. Old “Unconditional Surrender.” He came along a few years after Abraham Lincoln to pick up his mantle as the vampire slayer that will never give in or give up.

  • Mr James

    I’d have to go with George Washington. He might have had ill fitting wooden teeth but that also would have given him a bad attitude and a wooden STAKE!

  • BrentLittle

    I wouldn’t say George Bush is my fav. but he does like to hunt and is pretty good at it.

    • Anthony_TMB

      @BrentLittle You, my friend are the winner. Please send me an e-mail.

    • Anthony_TMB

      @BrentLittle yo, dude. send me an e-mail or i have to pick another winner

      • BrentLittle

        @Anthony_TMB Email sent, sorry for the delay.. long work trip!

  • SGF

    Teddy Roosevelt would be great at slaying vampires because when he said “speak softly and carry a big stick” he meant a wooden stake.