Check out these new set images from The Lone Ranger

Posted by on 04. 18. 2012in News Chat

We’re finally getting leaked set images from the production of The Lone Ranger which showcase more photos of Johnny Depp in full makeup and doing a meet and greet with what appear to be some native Navajo Nation leaders. The production is apparently going well and will traverse New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado.

The film opens on May 20th, 2013 so we still have plenty of time before we see some official stuff for this film but I can’t help but get a little excited.

Via: Forces of Geek

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NickVrakas 5 pts

Johnny Depp is half indian, or something like that. He is great anyway.

This is actually pretty exciting news. It should be interesting to see one of the most iconic characters in American lore adapted for the modern day. Not only was he a precursor to the superhero, but many cowboy-type characters. Hopefully they can capture the old magic of the Lone Ranger while still making it more racially sensitive. The last attempt at a Lone Ranger Film was a bit less than remarkable.