A Trio of new Photo’s Timur Bekmambetov’s “Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”

I’m really optimistic about a movie where American President Abraham Lincoln takes on Vampires. It’s so odd that it’s fascinating. To further increase our excitement for the film it seem that the promotion wheels for the upcoming Timur Bekmambetov film “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” are winding up as we have even more new promotional photos to view for the upcoming movie and these latest images showcase the historical president handling a scythe.

The official synopsis for the film:

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter explores the secret life of our greatest President, and the untold story that shaped our nation. Visionary filmmakers Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov (director of Wanted) bring a fresh and visceral voice to the blood-thirsty lore of the vampire, imagining Lincoln as history’s greatest hunter of the undead.

Via: Rama’s Screen and Shock Till you Drop.
I’m not too impressed with the look of the Zombies in this movie. I guess if you’ve seen the design of zombies in one movie then you’ve literally seen the design for what will be used in film for the foreseeable future. Aside from the predictable look of the undead The President looks downright inspiring while making the world a safer place by making sure the dead stay dead. Can’t wait until we finally see a trailer for this and hope that it’s sooner rather than later.

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor