You are Here » News Chat » A bunch of new Expendables 2 set and Universal Soldier 4 promo photo’s show off Jean Cleaude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, a lot of blood
News Chat
February 3, 2012

A bunch of new Expendables 2 set and Universal Soldier 4 promo photo’s show off Jean Cleaude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, a lot of blood

— Posted by Anthony

These pictures are not for the feint of heart. In fact, you may not want to look at these at all without being marred for life. A lot of new photo’s and promo images have been released for the Expendables 2 in recent weeks. I decided to spare you guys from the cartoon drawings of the characters that will probably be used in a Saturday morning cartoon but these are the actual actors posing for the actual movie.

Via: MovieWeb

These photo’s just don’t have what we expect from a film as notable as the Expendables franchise. I’m assuming and hoping,that the photo’s of JCVD, Lundgren, and Scott Adkins are all pre-photoshop and will eventually look a lot more badass after getting brushed up and placed into a background. Yes, Stallone and Lundgren are looking over dolls action figures for merchandising. One can only hope…

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More testosterone packed action ... haha all good people will watch

If you did your research, instead of copying and pasting blindly from other sites, you'd know or figure out it's from upcoming UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: A NEW DIMENSION!!! Internet is killing journalism and information faster and faster...

Thanks for the clarification and for using the internet to spread information faster and faster....

The excitement for this film keep growing. Have to say I am a little pissed its going to be PG-13. I like Chuck Norris and it is awesome he is involved here but why did he demand that?

To make sure kids can see the film without having to sneak in. It's all about the $$$.