Trailer: Scary Movie 5



The story in “Scary Movie 5” involves the dance world, with a snooty, aloof, imperious, and oversexed French director of a dance company named Pierre putting on a huge production. Jody, a Caucasian late-20’s mother of two and her late-20’s African American friend Kendra are both vying for the lead in the production. Jody’s extremely controlling former dancer mother is determined that Jody will have the brilliant career that eluded her. The highly skilled mid-30’s Diva veteran dancer with the company, Heather Daltry, gets cut from the production and goes berserk.


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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

2 thoughts on “Trailer: Scary Movie 5

  1. Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen talking to the the camera, some dumb and flat jokes. This looks horrible, but it is only a trailer - I might be terribly wrong.

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