Teaser Poster: Star Trek Into Darkness

The first teaser poster for J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek Into Darkness” is finally online and the general reaction is this… that it looks like it copied The Dark Knight Rises. But aside from that the poster itself is ominous and appropriately teases and leaves the viewer asking questions and seeking more information. Check out the poster here:


I like the poster. It’s ominous and makes me wonder what the fuck is going to happen that’s got everyone’s panties in a bunch. Thanks to Skyfall I now theorize that Cumberbatch’s character is some disgruntled former Starfleet person who’s hellbent on revenge and by Bob I bet I’m right. If that’s the case than Abram’s might be on to something epic…
Via: What Culture

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

One thought on “Teaser Poster: Star Trek Into Darkness

  1. I’m not into the Star Trek universe, but the first movie was definitely a cool thing to watch. I hope the sequel is better!

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