An Honest Trailer for the Lord of the Rings

The guys over at Screen Junkies are drawing the admiration, and jealousy, over the movie blogosphere with their fun line of ‘Honest Trailers’ for some of Hollywood’s biggest films. After ripping The Dark Knight Rises a new one with brutal honesty these guys have turned their attention to the Lord of the Rings ahead of the release of The Hobbit! Check out the awesome new trailer below:



Via: Live For Films via Screen Junkies



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

2 thoughts on “An Honest Trailer for the Lord of the Rings

  1. Seriously, that is one of the funniest faux trailers I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing. I’m surprised that Backpacker Magazine didn’t do a “guide to extended hiking without arch supports” or “how to prevent frostbite Middle Earth style” feature from the LOTR trilogy.

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