An Enders game photo featuring Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield

It’s been a while since I go to post anything about Enders Game. I can’t explain why but I’m rooting for this movie and hope it succeeds. Sure I’d like to have a sci-fi space saga do well to fill the void left by the lack of annual Harry Potter films but moreso I hope that this will be the redeeming film for director Gavin Hood who notoriously directed X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Check out the new photo below featuring Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield in space.


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Is it me or did Asa magically hit puberty since Hugo hit theaters? I expected him to look older but somehow didn’t imagine taller. Ender is a short lil guy that grows into a leader and I kinda wanted to watch him “grow” like we did with H.P.
I’m really surprised but can’t wait to see more.
Via: Live For Films

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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