ET’s Iron Man 3 Set visit


The big boys get all the cool toys. That’s what popped into my mind when I just came across this video ET released showing off how they got to hang out with Robert Downey Jr. on the set of Iron Man 3 and talk about Iron Man 3 (what else would they do?). The clip is pretty interesting and I wanted to make sure you guys got a chance to take a look at this as well…



Of course in typical ET fare they dont really focus on anything cool or interesting, just some baby that RDJ happened to make 8 months ago. Who cares about that when we want to talk about Ben Kingsley and the Iron Man armor moving all by itself?! Meh, that’s all for now…
Via: Rama’s Screen

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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