New poster for “Killing Them Softly” is pretty patriotic

I have a weird fascination with this “Killing Them Softly” movie. Sure I at least give a look to anything that has Brad Pitt’s name attached to it but then add James Gandolfini and new DVD-mob-guy-all-star Ray Liotta to the film and you have something that deserves more than a simple glimpse. Oh, and I hear this Andrew Dominik guy who’s directing is pretty neat too. A new poster for his latest movie is online and features the unexpected sense of patriotism not expected from this film. It’s an election year, so yeah.


“In America You’re On Your Own”? How is this different from any other country? I’m not sure what to think of the tagline but I completely like the imagery in the poster itself. It’s a little typical but it just happens to be perfect for what it is. September 21st is soon approaching so we won’t have to wait much longer to see if the hype for this movie is justified…
Via: Latino Review

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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