Internet trailer: Taken 2


The internet trailer for Taken 2 is upon us. No, that’s not a type. There really is a trailer that’s “exclusive” to the internet for the movie and even relies on his meme/monologue from the first film to re-introduce us to Bryan Mills and the world he inhabits. Not sure how I feel about that.



The trailer attempts to justify the films’ existence with the pure spectacle of action that will take place in the movie. Not too keen on that either. It gives us the basic plot and re-explains that there’s some continuity between this film and the last and that Maggie Grace will take on an expanded role this time. (I definitely don’t like that). It’s all more of the same of what we’ve seen in prior trailers/footage with slightly better editing and Neeson’s ominous voice guiding us throughout. There are a few snippets of new footage that, honestly, make me want to turn of the ol brain gizmo and just watch shit blow up… then there’s the side of me that remembers that the first one was at least ‘clever’ which is what made me watch and re-watch at any given opportunity. Something about this film seems forced and I can’t shake that feeling no matter how hard I try. I’ll think about giving those ‘splosions a chance to wash away my hesitation but I’m still on the fence.


Via: Coming Soon



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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