And Star Trek 2’s official title is…


Star Trek 2. Sounds straight to the point and no-frills to me so why bother messing with perfection? Numbers not marketable anymore? Well J.J. Abrams seems to think that the name is too sterile. cold. boring. He has something much much better in mind. Something that’s a lot better suited for those promotional materials and keychains.


J.J. Abrams’ 2013 sequel to his Star Trek sequel will be titled Star Trek Into Darkness.


Star…Trek…into… oh God. Oh dear God. I won’t judge the book by the cover. I won’t. I’m just gonna sit back and let Abrams’ film speak for itself… in the darkness… while trekking… in space.


I haven’t found a press release stating the title so I’ll ask you all to chew on some salt until that time.


Via: Screen Crave



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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