A video of Gollum reading the Hobbit… to children

A really cool video clip of Andy Serkis had made its way online in which it shows him reading excerpts of ‘The Hobbit’ while in character as Gollum as part of the Tolkien 75th Anniversary of the Hobbit being released or something but who cares? Check out how easily this man switches into character and impresses himself onto those young spong-like minds:


Via: Geek Tyrant

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

3 thoughts on “A video of Gollum reading the Hobbit… to children

      1. @Anthony_TMB Yep. Cleared cache. I’m interested in the blog about Aladdin, but none of the blogs from Sept 24th appear to have working links. They always take me to a Gator Host page saying that the page does not exist.

        *UPDATE* Still not working in Safari, but I can now see the page in Firefox. Thanks! :)

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