The Avengers returning to theaters THIS WEEKEND


Just when you thought it was safe and the only concern about seeing Chtauri on the big screen this year depended on the size of the TV in your living room. Well folks like your worst rodent it appears that they’re back and they’re in the same exact spot that you found them in the first place. The Avengers is returning to theaters for Labor Day Weekend.


Marvel’s The Avengers is back in theaters for Labor Day Weekend!

Don’t forget to stay through the credits…


Good thing I’ve been obsessing over Facebook lately, otherwise I woulda missed this one. If you guys don’t already then I suggest you check out TMB’s Facebook Fan page as we tend to add images and anecdotes exclusively over there in addition to our regular TMB chat/coverages/nonsense that we provide Monday thru Friday. And sometimes Saturday. </shameless self promotion>


Via: Marvel’s Facebook Page



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink