Red Band Trailer #2: The Man with the Iron Fists

This is a little unexpected but it seems that the RZA, of the Wu Tang Clan, has made effort to release another trailer for his interesting and exciting looking film “The Man with the Iron Fists” to send us off into the weekend. How lovely. Maybe we can get another flying eyeball? Let’s see…



Brilliantly bloody and violent. This isn’t the type of film I expect to see vying for Academy attention but this may be the best looking mindless action popcorn flick of the summer, with the only problem it has being that it’s not releasing in the summer. I have interest in seeing this motley crew of talent come together and my interest for assessing RZA as a director is unmeasurable but so far he’s leaning more on the favorable side then the negative.
Via: The Film Stage

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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