First official photo of Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln

It’s unsettling that a movie like this isn’t at the forefront of my mind. After turning in 2 films at the close of 2011, Tin Tin and Warhorse, director Steven Spielberg is next delivering his film about President Abraham Lincoln with Daniel Day Lewis in the title role. With one of the best film directors of all time teaming with the most impressive actor in Hollywood today involved this project becomes somewhat of a ‘no-brainer’ and should capture the interest and attention of any and everyone. It does, there’s just not a lot of marketing for the film yet. That’s starting to change as the first official photo of DDL has made its way to the internetz and good God almighty, this man is a chameleon!



The movie also boasts Joseph Gordon Levitt and Sally Field in the film as well which is all the more benefit and interest to see the movie but I can’t get over how complete of a physical transformation DDL was able to pull off. You can swear this guy was on my penny… That’s all for now…


Via: Latino Review



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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