Featurette: Snow White and the Huntsman

Snow White and The Huntsman is one of those movies that had us all talking. I’m not talking about the R-Patts and K-Stew drama, I”m referring to the e film itself. It was a tasteful and enjoyable retelling of a world renown story. Here we have a few of the film’s story speaking about director Rupert Sanders’ vision. And not on his vision of K-Stew’s tongue.

Via: Trailer Addict

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

3 thoughts on “Featurette: Snow White and the Huntsman

  1. So I did this for my films class, all responses are welcome :)
    “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”…and that’s where it all begins. The evil Queen’s need to kill Snow White, Snow White running off into the forest, Snow White eventually slipping into a death-like coma state and eventually the infamous handsome Prince’s kiss that pulls her out of that coma, all because of that darn mirror’s response: Snow White is the fairest of them all. Rupert Sander’s film, Snow White and the Huntsman, released in June 2012 is a remake of Walt Disney’s, 1937 animated film, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs with a dark twist. This American film doesn’t stick to just one genre: it delves into action with the war of the good against the bad, fantasy with trolls, fairies, dwarfs and magical powers; and a touch of drama with a hint of a love triangle.
    This new version of Snow White incorporates the key points of the original film. Snow White’s (Kristin Stewart) vain and evil stepmother Ravenna (Charlize Theron), takes over Tabor after the death (and murder) of her husband King Magnus. For years, Ravenna is the “fairest of them all” as per her Magic Mirror, until one day it informs her that this is no longer true; rather, she is “destined to be destroyed by the fairest of the land, Snow White.” All the while, Snow White remains locked away in a tower in the castle until she escapes into the Dark Forest. Ravenna demands that the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) lead her army in pursuit of Snow White into this forest. The Huntsman tracks down Snow White but eventually decides to help her escape and plan the end of Ravenna’s reign of Tabor. The remaining hour is action-packed with many clever references to the original storyline.
    The remake of Snow White is an enormous up taking, especially when this was Sanders’ first feature film. Regardless, the visual effects of the film compensate for few weak points in the storyline and character. His modern twist on the classic tale of Snow White adds an element of authenticity. He directs a Classical Hollywood film but twists it with contemporary views of equality amongst the genders, where the protagonist and the antagonist are both female. With that being said however, I find that the character development and acting is less than impressive. The characters feel forced and almost unnatural. From reading and watching the original Snow White, I feel that she symbolizes the innocence and purity one finds in children: souls that are untouched by life and its experiences. Perhaps due to her previous role in Twilight, I feel that Stuart’s portrayal of Snow White is less than adequate. An actress such as Rachel McAdams (with her role in The Notebook) may have been a better choice. Theron’s rendering of the wicked stepmother enhances the movie, however it takes about half of the film for me to believe and feel her wickedness. Although Hemsworth’s character was adequate, in general, I found that the film had an excessive amount of information that it didn’t have time to sufficiently develop its characters.
    The film is however enhanced by its cinematography. It uses visual effects such as dark, bare, disease-infested surroundings during Ravenna’s reign. The audience feels the distinction between that and times of peace where the surroundings are light and sunny with birds chirping. The sound effects are also well done with the appropriate music indicating danger, peace, happiness and action scenes. The abrupt ending of the film leaves the audience hanging, hinting at a possible sequel. And they lived happily after…maybe?

    1. @TharThar gee that the cinematography greatly enhances this film. With the lackluster acting by Stewart the camera work and scenery were it’s only saving graces…

    2. @TharThar I tried to go into this film while keeping an open mind and staying unbiased considering Stewart’s acting history, however that didn’t help a whole lot. I found her acting lacking any dialogue let alone any emotion. Looking back the lack of dialogue may have been a way to avoid criticism against her acting which really lacks any luster. I didn’t however find a lot of comfort in the other actors’ performances. Even the story itself left one a little dissatisfied. For a magical love story with fantasy and a love triangle and heroes.. it really was lacking. The love triangle for example showed up nearer to the end and only lasted about 10 minutes in the whole of the film. There was no real passion or even a flirtation of emotion between characters. The prince wasn’t even needed in the story and there was no added benefit of his presence in my opinion. The film didn’t transport me anywhere, in fact the whole time I was very aware that I was sitting in a theater looking at a large screen. The only part worth boasting was when they entered the magical forest and the special effects that came with that scene. It was beautiful and the happiest moment of the film. This film wasn’t the worst movie ever, but it wasn’t anything worth remembering let alone watching again. I wouldn’t even waist time watching it at home as apposed to inside a theater. But nothing in this film is as bad as the ending. It left you with no proper ending, and after a movie like that you could at least receive an ending! I agree with Tharane that it could be for a sequel. I should hope not.. but if that is the case you won’t find me watching it. No amount of special effects and adorable mossy turtles will persuade me to watch another Kristen Stewart film.

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