Coming Soon: Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3 in 3D


You are forgiven for not remembering this but believe it or not a Star Wars film hit theaters this year. Yeah, back in February. The news startled me too but then memories of the concept started trickling in and the fog began to lift and I remembered that I wanted to support these films if just to see Lucas Film give the 3D treatment to the original 1970s trilogy. Well Star Wars managed to take in $43 million at the box office, which is none too shabby for a film that’s widely available on home release and plays on cable every so often, which I guess was enough to cover costs of the next 2 conversions. The next Star Wars film was announced to release in 2013.


Breaking news from #StarWarsCVI: Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith to be theatrically released in 3D back-to-back, September 20, 2013 and October 11, 2013 respectively.


This is actually good news. Sure for the most part we still have a couple of prequels to go through but at least they’re action packed prequels, and just keep in mind that when this is all over with that we get the original trilogy in 3D! Let’s just pray that the there are no further “improvements” to the film thanks to advancing technology.


Via: Facebook



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

3 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3 in 3D

  1. I highly recommend this movie since it has a good plot good special effects but the part of the saga that more I like part 6 is that there is a great battle between dark vadrer and luck. Part of the series 2 and 3 is a combination of action and plot since in part three of the story is shown as anakin skywalker goes to the dark side of the force.
    I decided to see this movie because they have a high content of science fiction as all 6 parts of the series are very well connected. Light sabers and spaceships plot of the dark side or the side of the force was one of the things that caught my attention and I could relate to this section of the film with real life. That is why the decision to go see that movie and the truth is that I do not regret.
    I liked the part 4 of the series as it is related to only the past history we all know that for me is one of the most boring buts if you can not see it no longer understand the history of star wars

    Jesus Loyola Vazquez

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