Batman and Bane fighting in this new TV spot


A new action packed TV spot for the Dark Knight Rises has emerged and this one keeps the pacing tight and the action flowing rapid pace. This spot also gives us a shot at the Batman and Bane fight that occurs in those bleak tunnels. Stop wasting time reading and click the ‘Play’ button!



They need to stop teasing like this. I have a job, a life, responsibilities. Don’t they realize what this temptation does to a man’s concentration?

Via: Geek Tyrant



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

One thought on “Batman and Bane fighting in this new TV spot

  1. While I still cant help but temper my expectations as a sort of defense mechanism, I find myself becoming increasingly excited about this film…

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