Trailer: Jeremy Renner in ‘The Bourne Legacy’

We’ve already seen the first official image of Jeremy Renner stalking around in the Bourne Legacy and we’ve also seen the first official poster for the movie. Today we get something more. Today we get the first official trailer for the movie and get an idea of what this movie has to offer and if we’ll miss the absence of Matt Damon.

I have to admit that the trailer is a little badass. It’s still a little jarring to see familiar characters and hear the “Treadstone” name mentioned without any inclination that Matt Damon’s ‘Jason Bourne character is involved in this film in any way. Seeing Jeremy Renner kick ass and assassinating unindentified family men isn’t a huge departure from what we’ve seen of him in film in the past but it’s eerie to know that it’s a film with the ‘Bourne’ name without the Jason Bourne character. I’m liking the impression that this film is giving but I have to admit. I miss Jason Bourne.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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