The teaser trailer for The Avengers commercial that will air during the Superbowl

Posted by on 01. 02. 2012in News Chat

There has been a verifiable onslaught of commercial ads that have been making the rounds for this Sundays Superbowl. No, at torrent. Some are full ads and trailers while others are mere teasers hinting at what’s in store during the big game. Today we get to see the a snippet of the ad that will air for Joss Whedon’s “The Avengers”.

My Bob that was brief but awesome. I’ve already seen that snippet of the Hulk but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any visual confirmation of UFO’s in the past. I’m sorry I took so long with posting this but I had to watch this bad boy at least five times before I could tear myself away to publish. I want to see more!! Now!! Who’s with me?

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4 Responses to “The teaser trailer for The Avengers commercial that will air during the Superbowl”

  1. Film says:

    I cant wait for Avengers to hit the big screen. This teaser is awesome!

  2. Art says:

    There better be a whole lot more during the Super Bowl! I’m tired of this teaser stuff!! Please, Joss! Do it for all your fans in the ‘verse!

  3. los americanosz says:

    I’m going to be dissapointed, if there’s no SKRULLS in this one.
    And I really hope that its not just gonna be a battle against Frostgiants.. :P

  4. lily says:

    I cant wait for Avengers to hit the big screen.

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