This international poster for Prometheus looks awfully familiar

I’m really excited for this Prometheus movie and have spent far too much time scouring the internet for more information to qualify as a sane individual. A new international poster for ‘Prometheus’ was unveiled recently and I have to admit that the darn thing looks awfully familiar

Via: Cinemablend

Ok, I can see more of the head*. Like a lot more of the head*. Before it was all dark and shadowy but now it’s nice and clear*. This, like all other promotional materials for this film, reveals nothing. Mr. Ridley Scott, you are a master of teasing. I had hoped to find a clue here but I’ll settle for a revelation of the large head.

* - Insert Michael Scott Joke

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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