Set Photos: Olivia Wilde, Steve Buscemi, and Steve Carell on Burt Wonderstone

Posted by on 11. 01. 2012in News Chat

Oh my stars and garters, this movie is actually happening! I kinda lost track of the film on it’s road to production but somehow over the last few weeks this movie entered production and now we have our first set of spy-photos from the set of Burt Wonderstone.

Via: Coming Soon and Cinemablend

Donde es Jim Carrey? With or without him it looks like the cast of this flick are at least having fun on the set. Not sure that I’m fond of the blonde Carell but that’s neither here nor there. This movie is happening, it has Olvia Wilde, and it’s “radar approved”.

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2 Responses to “Set Photos: Olivia Wilde, Steve Buscemi, and Steve Carell on Burt Wonderstone”

  1. Marco says:

    Nobody likes you Anthony, or your ridiculous radar with its unnecessary “quotations.”

    • Anthony says:

      Not sure why you don’t like me, and I won’t twist your arm, but I’ve begun to see the use of “radar” (with quotations) all around the blogosphere since I began using the term.

      *pats self on back*

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