New Hunger Games photo

Posted by on 11. 01. 2012in News Chat

A new promotional photo is available and showcases Katniss and Peeta training and is now available to nitpick and dissect. Let’s get started:

Via: /Film

To explain what’s going on here for those who haven’t read the book, after Katniss and Peeta are chosen to compete in the Hunger Games (representing District 12, hence the 12) they’re taken to the Capitol where they train. Each group of kids from each district is put through various stations teaching them different survival and attack methods to help them in the games. Once those are completed, the Tributes, as they’re called, are paraded in front of a committee to show what they’ve learned and assigned a number grade based on the likelihood that they could win. This image is from that part of the movie. Basically Act 2.

I can’t put into words how thankful I am someone gave me some useful insight to actually go with one of these photo’s. My stubborness refuses to let me read or listen to an audio version of this book until after seeing this film. I don’t need any insight from the book clouding my judgment on the film. Belive it or not, I am in fact looking forward to this movie and finding out if it’s the next “Harry Potter”. I’ll keep you guys posted on whatever else I can dig up…

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4 Responses to “New Hunger Games photo”

  1. Irondoomfist says:

    OK, so I have read the books, I am really hoping the movie does the book justice because it is a really good read. I do not think how ever that this can be compared to the next Harry Potter. Completely different.

  2. Bigsampson says:

    its nothing new. Battle Royale came out before the book and its decent nod to it. Personally I think Ender’s Game has more potential then this.

  3. aaron says:

    i wouldnt even put harry potter and the hunger games in the same sentence. they are two completely different types of books. i hope they follow the book closely

  4. abi says:

    The production design and costumes (based on the stills we’ve seen so far) are a bit disappointing. The still looks like it’s from Sky High or Spy Kids.

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