Michael Fassbender understands Magneto’s pain

Posted by on 20. 01. 2012in Uncategorized

Magneto is a complex character with layers, like an onion. Hey don’t click ‘back’, keep reading! He’s not just some asshole shooting beams for the sake of destruction and chicks and although those type of characters exist within the Marvel Universe it’s just not this guy. Magneto’s story is more of a story of pain, loss, and vengeance. Michael Fassbender was the most recent actor to portray the character on film and is tied to a BINDING contract, (Good job Fox!), to reprise this role for at least another 2 films. He’s been talking Magneto recently to the press and let’s just say we need to keep our eyes on this guy.

Source: MovieWeb

I get where [Magneto] is coming from, that’s for sure - having read the source material, the comic books. From what we know with human beings, history has told us that we’re a pretty destructive race, so you can see where he’s coming from. It’s always interesting for me to have the villains doing positive things as well as negative or destructive things. I just think it’s more realistic.

It’s like the actions will define the character . . . but it’s more about making sure that it’s intelligently written and there’s a real driving force, there’s real drama there, relationships are interesting, and that it’s not lazy in anyway. A lot of the times I think with action films, the plot can be pretty weak because it’s taking a back seat to the action sequences and the special effects. What we wanted to do with X-Men: First Class was definitely the reverse of that. We wanted to really focus on the characters and the plot and then have the action sequence there to sort of enhance the story.

Empathizing with a genocidal maniac. That kinda thinking will get you banned for Cannes! Kidding aside, I like that he’s claiming to have read the comics well enough to relate to the characters motivation for his actions. I also like that he understands the complexity of the relationship of Erik and Charles, and that he and McAvoy are on the same page about the whole thing. He goes on to talk about McAvoy’s understanding as well…

Hopefully we’ll get to do another one; that’s what we want to carry that vein through for sure. Personally, I do and I know James McAvoy feels the same. You know what’s interesting about Magneto and Professor X from the comic books as well, is there’s such a complexity to their relationship. It’s not just like clear-cut enemies; they’re best friends as well. In the comic books, even after they’ve had this sort of rift, Professor X asks Magneto to come back and look after the students at certain points. I think there’s always that complexity in their relationship. And we want to keep that alive as possible, because that’s I think a really interesting thing - the conflict there.

Oh shoot, he really has read the comics! I like that he’s able to bring so much insight at the drop of a dime. For some reason I’m getting the impression that, if he’s smart, he still reads ‘em from time to time. Not sure what would get him to go back to the school to look after the mutants if they plan on doing that in the future, but I do look forward to the idea of these guys teaming up for a bigger threat.

Let’s all say it together: Shadow Ki…, err… Mr. Sinis… uhhh… Apoco… aww forget it. I still can’t get over how they mis-used Azazel.

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2 Responses to “Michael Fassbender understands Magneto’s pain”

  1. Browntastic says:

    It always makes me smile when I hear when an actor “truly” researches their roles, especially in regards to comics. You could skim through and understand the basics of the Xavier and Magneto relationship but those underlying details are what the “true geeks” love and what kept us reading. Fassbender really got the relationship down as you see where he is truly protective of Charles and is deeply affected when harm came to Charles at his hands. Although I love Ian Mckellan, he didn’t capture that emotion, I couldn’t see a Magneto that would leave Charles for dead or put him in harm’s way.

    The Age of Apocalpyse story shows the Magneto I would know, one that puts his bond with Charles above his own agenda and would sacrifice his beliefs to continue Charles’ legacy. Fassbender hit the nail on the head!


  2. CaptainJack says:

    They need to laser focus the next film, take one villain and really really develop him. I don’t think magneto should be that villain, he’s become too complex to really be the bad guy. It would be amazing if they took and reworked certain key story lines (AoA, pheonix?) and treat this like a rebooted series that is free of the abysmal cannon that has been created with the original 3 X-Films. Just a dream, we’ll see what happens.

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