If you like action movies, and intense fighting scenes, check out this scene from ‘The Raid’

I don’t know what this is all about, why they’re chasing this guy, or where this is all headed but my testosterone skyrocketed to unfamiliar heights after seeing these clips from Gareth Evans’ upcoming movie “The Raid”. Seriously, if you want to see some intense hand to hand fighting then look no further than here.

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Via: Geek Tyrant

Was that Rufio, (Hook), with Pan’s sword?! It doesn’t matter, that thing got me amped! I’m ready to get into a fight! The movie is set to debut at the Sundance Film Festival and I can’t wait. I wanna punch something!

If you need me I’ll be the guy at the bar talking smack and picking a fight while replaying this in my head. If you happen to see me on the floor with my teeth kicked in, do me a favor and call 911, mmkay?

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

2 thoughts on “If you like action movies, and intense fighting scenes, check out this scene from ‘The Raid’

  1. Wow! If this is the entire movie they saved a bundle on staging this set. All they needed were different weathered/beat up doors and painted numbers. Otherwise it looked like different fights in identical hallways.


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