Yoda’s Secret Life on Endor

Posted by on 13. 04. 2011in Uncategorized

I tripped across a very funny picture that speaks a thousand words answers so many questions you didn’t ask.

I never thought of it like this, but it makes PERFECT sense.

With all the exaughstive backstory, resources, novels and sourcebooks, NEVER is it explained what Yoda’s race is or what planet he is from. Every other alien in the Star Wars Universe is detailed with at least a paragraph explaining the name and culture type each alien is from, but not Yoda.

Then to make matters worse, Episode 1 introduces Yaddle, another Jedi Council member that is stated to be the same race as Yoda. Still not admitting what that race is or why they cannot grasp the grammar of Intergalactic Basic.

And speculating on just what other alien races Yoda might be physically attracted to, it now makes sense exactly where Mogwai come from. (I just now decided that Mogwai is plural for Mogwai…deal with it)


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11 Responses to “Yoda’s Secret Life on Endor”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Holy Moly Batman!

    you just blew my mind!

  2. Chit_LaMarde says:

    lol that would make a great t-shirt

  3. rodeostud says:

    too bad yoda was on daghoba and not endor, but it’s still funny

    • Rodney says:

      If I have to explain the gag, its not funny anymore.

      Clearly this is over your head.

    • knossis says:

      You never know, Yoda may have decided he needed a break from dreary ole Dagobah and took a summer retreat to sun filled Endor and got busy. I hear the furry ladies of Endor like that backward’s speak. Yoda’s the Master in more ways than one.

      • 420BAND says:

        Word round the campfire is that “Speak” isn’t the only thing those furry little ladies like “Backwords”.

        Giggly Giggly! (in my best Quagmire voice)

    • Roman says:

      Yoda is over 900 years old I am sure he got some bear tail in his time on the forest moon of endor. I mean good relations he has with the wookies too. Yoda was an intergalactic pimp

  4. vargas says:


  5. JimmyReno says:

    The most disturbing thing about that is… I think that’s Wicket the Ewok, and I thought Wicket was a dude. Is it a little weird that THAT’s what I find most disturbing? Yoda got forest fever…

  6. bernard says:

    It’s official, Yoda is a playa!

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