X-Men’s First Class Russian Trailer

This new trailer popped up on Filmonic earlier today and seems to give us more footage than the domestic trailer that we previously watched, including a shot of Banshee letting loose with his Sonic Scream, Best getting furry, and More Bad Ass Fassbender bending metal. Oh, and the spoken dialogue is completely in Russian.

Source: Filmonic

This certainly had a lot more footage than the domestic trailer and I think I actually liked this one more as it gave a more intimate look at Mageneto’s origins as well as a few other mutates showing off previously unseen capabilities. I don’t know what else they could possibly do to further elevate this one on my radar as I’m already looking for places to pre-order tickets.

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Dogbone

    It had the gravity and seriousness that an emerging mutant situation should show.
    The music enhanced the visuals storytelling very well, and it felt like a much more complete story.
    Can’t wait! :P

  • knossis

    I didn’t understand anything that was said but didn’t need to, the images alone carried the weight of the film. I think Fox may get it right this time.

  • Roman

    russian makes everything seem more dire and depressing.

  • Royal

    My Russian is rusty, but I think the text in the trailer translates to: #Winning! I hope the sense of gravity conveyed in the trailer flows throughout the entire movie. I’m ready for a “superhero” movie that takes itself seriously.