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July 5, 2011

‘X-Men’ Second Class…

— Posted by Darren

Don’t look surprised. It’s not like the earth just shook and got you off guard. Despite Fox having a mild disappointment with ‘X-Men : First Class’, it’s been decided to have a sequel, which is a prequel to…oh, you know. In any case…the nice folks over at Screenrant have this “news” for us to enjoy:

According to The Geek Files, Fox is “discussing sequels internally” which they undoubtedly have been since opening weekend.

Both Singer and Vaughn have plenty of ideas for X-Men: First Class 2 which would likely keep the series set in the ’60s, but based a few years later, again tied into real historical events. When you think about it, they could go on with many more films before needing to introduce some of the characters we met in Bryan Singer’s first X-Men film (Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm, etc.).

First Class was a good film and helped keep the franchise alive. It is also the best “hero” film of the summer thus far, and even though people would much rather see a follow up to The Last Stand and a revelation that Cyclops is still alive and kicking, a lot of folks (including myself) would love to see more Michael Fassbender as a younger Magneto. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

In any case, I just got two words for FOX and the producers of The First Class II (or as I call it, ‘The Second Class’)


‘Nuff said.

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14 thoughts on “‘X-Men’ Second Class…

    • Disappointing in terms of box office numbers compared to other films in the franchise and/or thier viewpoint. I still feel that unless they get Class II up and running in development, it’s all on Wolverine’s shoulders to decide how the X-Men films really proceed.

      • Glad they decided to keep going, weak box office numbers or not. After Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, you can’t blame people for being scared to pay for another X-Men movie. Especially with First Class’ weak marketing. Perhaps they just payed attention to the reviews lately and saw there is still a love for X-Men movies, but more so, a love for the direction taken with First Class.

        Let’s hope that once the DVD comes out and more people do take a chance with it threw rentals, that so many more will finally be happy enough to come swarming back around come release of the First Class sequel.

        I thought First Class was a really sweet comic book movie and most of all, a great, not perfect, but still very good X-Men movie. By far my fav X-Men movie so far. And from the sound of what’s planned for First Class II, giving a chance for more of these films may turn out to be well worth it. bring it on I say.

  1. The price they paid for a terrible Wolverine Origins movie — a movie everyone went to see and was bitterly disappointing — is a movie that not nearly as many people went to see, but was actually pretty incredible.

    X-Men first class is probably the best “Big Budget” film of the year thus far, and the positive vibes it got with those who went to see it will help make a sequel to it all that much more profitable. I’d suspect this will do to X-Men what Batman Begins did to Batman, and a potential sequel to First Class could be much bigger than the first effort.

    • It was awesome! Definitely go before you miss it in the theater. It’s worth it to see this one on the big screen — the best X-men movie to date.

  2. How about Proteus? They showed that Charles was a ladies man and got around in his day. Have a young/ pre teen mutant bastard child of Xavier run amok.

  3. I’m all for a sequel to this, but they also need to look in to remaking X3 and just simply ignore Last Stand.

    • From what I’ve heard they are going to remake X3. Singer is planning to direct it himself. But not until the First Class trilogy is finished.

  4. Nathan Essex (Sinister) would be a perfect villian. I think he would be a great villian to bring the brotherhood and the X-men together again. He splices mutans up and Magneto don’t like that too much.

  5. Sinister, ah! That could be good for sure. But I want them to go really evil with this thing. I don’t want a bent puritan, I want a murduoso.

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