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January 13, 2011

‘X-Files 3′ - A Conspiracy With No Script

— Posted by Darren

Every so often, the news of a new ‘X-Files’ movie crops up. Every so often, the masses get updates. Then a wait. Rinse, wash, repeat. Kind of like the previous film. Speaking of which, Shock Til You Drop reports:

Duchovny, who was quoted in the foreign press saying a script is being written (that turned out to be false), spoke to Showbiz Spy about the possibility of the next film and he said that Chris Carter and Gillian Anderson are ‘game.’

“We’re all like this little X-Files family and I, for one, would love to continue. It’s just a matter of spending enough on a movie that can compete in the summertime. We made a movie and released it in the summer, but it wasn’t really a blockbuster movie. And it got kind of overshadowed by the bigger ones.”

Now, I did not despise the previous film. I didn’t think it was terrible by any means. I don’t think the fans of the show minded it that much. Compared to the 1998 film, then yes, it is a disappointment because the first film had bigger scope (it also was made and released during the peak of the TV series and that may have also played a factor)- but in and of itself, “I Want To Believe” isn’t a bad movie.

But the reasons why it didn’t do as well has nothing to do with how big of a budget it was. There are a lot of films that don’t have huge budgets as opposed to “big blockbusters” that do just fine. The main problems was simply ‘the fans’ being jerked around in between the wait not just from movie to movie, but from TV finale to second film; the main support base moving on when “Files 2″ came out a few years ago and then the difference in scope. Add them together and that’s the fate of the previous film.

Now they say there is no script after they said one was being worked on. his tells me that they didn’t lie, but a draft may had been cooked up and thrown out like old chickenbroth. So now there is no script. Question: was was the primary delay over the previous film? Answer: they couldn’t decide on a story to show. It didn’t take long for people to lose interest. And the marketing campaign? Oh, right..what marketing campaign?

So I’m a doubter on this. But…if they go on with it? YES. Big budget and scope, alien cover up uncovered all-the-way. Otherwise, if you still want one? Direct to DTV. It’s not that I don’t want another ‘Files’ flick. I DO. The red flag is hoisted up high though, waving proudly in the air. We have heard this story before, and it wasn’t that cool then.

What do the int’l friends want? Anyone interested?

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  • JJ

    XF2 sucked so bad! It pissed me off. XF show ended years ago. Couldn’t Chris Carter come back at full force since he was bringing XF “back from the dead”? Seriously, how the hell can he screw that up?

  • mark

    The last movie was not bad but it was not good either because it was more like a season episode than a movie. With Super 8 and Cowboys and Aliens coming out it would be a great time to think about a new X-Files movie. this time the movie needs to be more about aliens and government conspiracy and maybe finally getting the government to admit we are not alone. I love David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson together even after all these years and watch every episode from the pilot to the last movie once every couple years. WAKE UP FOX!!!! You cant even make up your mind about Fringe even though the audience has. WAKE UP AND FIRE THE THINKERS OVER THERE!!

  • Dirk S.

    I’d love to see a third: I Want To Believe is incredibly underrated.

  • BMAN

    I don’t think FOX cares about the X-Files anymore, and no way FOX is going to make a big budget movie since the last one bombed at the box office. Both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are boring TV actors who don’t have any box office appeal, and Chris Carter lost his magic writing good X-Files stories. If (and that’s a big if) there’s another X-Files movie, it’s more likely to be a reboot.

    • Rodney

      Its already been rebooted. They call it FRINGE.

      • Sophia Greene

        Id rather have an X Files story AND one out on the Fringe any day.

        X Files 2 was a great movie it just was released @ the wrong time, like when they did Star Trek Nemesis @ the same time as The Retue=rn of The King!

        Idiots @ FOX released a great fall/winter movie in the summer and XF2 got “lost in the pack” as they say.

        The truth is still out there..

  • Ryan

    The last movie was actually quite good — it just wasn’t really an action movie, and it had no special effects sequences I can even think of off the top of my head (which is probably why I enjoyed it).

    I don’t think they need a big budget movie with tons of explosions and what not…. a smart, interesting thriller type movie like the last one would work, but it would make a better movie to release in the fall, after the Blockbusters are all done.

  • Tom

    I’m ok with a new movie as long as they don’t make Mulder a whining, always-getting-my-ass-kicked weenie like they did in the last one.

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