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February 28, 2011

Will Smith will be Joe

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

A modern day retelling of the biblical story of Job has recently received one of Hollywood’s biggest stars’ guarantee of involvement.

Source: Collider

Tamasy: We sold a project to Sony with Overbrook and Will Smith. It’s a modern version of the story of Job.

Snider: Will Will Smith be playing Job?

Tamasy: He’ll be playing “Joe.” The movie’s called Joe. It’s about a man [who is living] the American dream. He’s got the nice house, white picket fence, great kids, great wife, nice cars. God and the devil get together every thousand years to bet on a man’s life, and the fate of the world is at stake.

What all of us get hit with in a lifetime, this man gets hit with in one week. And it’s about whether or not he can still pick himself up from that and survive it. It’s a dramedy. At it’s heart, it’s a comedy — but it’s got, obviously, a real dramatic core to it.

I think there’s always a fine line, and a slipperly slope, when marrying religion and Hollywood into a film. Will Smith is the name that is grounding this project for me as his film selection track record has rarely allowed him to be involved in a bad movie.

Will Smith has a lot of experience in the science fiction genre of films, and I feel he usually excels when his films have a comedic backdrop for him to rely so I’m looking forward to finding out more details on this project. I think it could be pretty cool to see what laundry list of, presumably humorous, ‘tests’ that God and the Devil would conjure up to punish Will Smith, with the level of special effects I’ve come to expect from a lot of his films, and it would be great if they get a good comedic pair to play the eternal beings.

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  • joe C

    it would be geat to have morgan freeman be god haha

    • Anthony

      I agree! I immediately pictured him and Paul Giamatti as the deities.

      • Roderick

        Immediately reading this, i thought this is the third installment of the “Almighty” movies. First the powers of God, then the Flood, and now the story of Job. Makes perfect sense in sequence.

        The similarities are unparalleled. I honestly PRAY that they use morgan freeman to play God, again. Our generation knows no other “God” in cinema other than he. And for the time being, if it were up to me, i’d keep it that way.

  • josh harris

    They seem to be changing the story of Job in order to make it unchristian
    In the Biblical story Satan wants to prove that Job is not loyal to God and the whole point was that we are to trust in God no matter the hardships and the story highlighted on Job’s loyalty to God while his friends thought it was God who did these things.

    The movie seems to want to make Joe trying to survive on human will and is a victim of the deities making the moral that humans must toil on while being harrassed by gods

    • Pman-67

      It’s a comedy. I’m sure Mel Brooks changed a few things around when he made History of the World, Part 1.

    • Rodney

      Its inspired by the story of Job, but the movie is not a modern adaptation of the Job story.

      Job’s faith was very much an issue of willpower and not wavering from his commitment regardless of his situation. It was EASY for Job to have faith when he had an easy and luxurious life.

      This will follow a similar theme, but wont have the faith in God angle, but just the will to live and endure his situation.

      Put away your soapbox. Not every movie inspired by a biblical story has to be about faith and religion.

      • josh harris

        What i was trying to say is that Job is about the christian faith whether you believe it or not the Joe movie is changing the most essential part to the movie.
        even worse than unoriginal movies are movies that change details of their source in a way that it seems that the only reason they got the rights was to get an audience. I beleive fans of Sherlock Holmes have a right to be mad about the film as do bourne fans and Spiderman fans about the third film in that series

      • Rodney

        Job is about conviction, not Christian Faith.

        He believed strongly enough and felt passionate enough about his beliefs that even hardships could not waver his commitment.

        It has nothing to do with what that commitment was FOR, but that he had the commitment.

        God KNEW that Job was the most steadfast and dedicated to his faith, so he chose him in the challenge. The story was about his willpower to stick to what he stood for despite everything around him failing.

        It doesn’t matter that the story is inspired by a Biblical tale, and it doesn’t hurt Christianity to make a movie based on the story without making it a religious message.

      • Roderick

        Your both wrong. The Story of Job was about his JEWISH Faith! lol. Correct yo-self before you wreck yo-self! haha

        But Rodney you do make a good point. Faith or not. Here’s a man who is convicted and is sticking to his beliefs regardless of hardships and there is no force in the universe that can persuade him. Or at least thats the “Human” side of the story.

        The God and devil relationship is another aspect, and i hope they make it clever. God and the Devil don’t say much to each other in the Bible, but hopefully they make some witty scenes out of those 2 in the movie, respectfully that is.

      • Rodney

        Job is an Old Testament story, but that chronicle predates “Jewish faith” or Christianity anyways.

        Both have foundations in those texts.

        And I too wonder about the interaction with God and Satan. I never could wrap my head around Satan challenging God. Satan had to know that God was all knowing and outside of the constraints of Time, so if God says “Job won’t falter” you gotta figure he had an inside track on the potential of the little guy.

        Why bet against him?

      • Roderick

        if you want to get technical. Sheesh.

        But yea, The devil is a douche… I can foresee the conversation getting out of control, so i think we should just let this be everyone!

        and hope they cast Morgan Freeman as God, again!

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