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April 28, 2011

Transformers Dark of the Moon Theatrical Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

A brand new Theatrical Trailer has been released for Transformers: Dark of the Moon and I like what I see.

Rosie looks way hotter than Fox ever was, so the eyecandy part is taken care of. There are tons of giant robots making a good old mess. That’s all the series needs really.

And it looks like the gloves are off. This is a world changing event for the Transformers franchise. After suspending our disbelief that the world at large wouldn’t be aware of the Transformers race living among us, this looks like an undeniable alien invasion.

This could be an epic finish to the franchise, or something that kicks off a new era. Who knows. Bay could want to make some other kind of movie eventually.

Looks great and we still haven’t seen Megatron. But what we do see is a very clear bot that looks like Dinobot Swoop. Could Grimlock be far behind?

With all the Superhero films (and Harry Potter) coming out this summer, I nearly forgot this was happening. Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be hitting theaters July 1st!

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26 thoughts on “Transformers Dark of the Moon Theatrical Trailer Online

  1. Seriously? This girl is ugly…No I’m not exaggerating. Her face is not cute at all. Not even close to Megan Fox, and I’m not even crazy over Fox.

    Fox > Adams > This Girl

  2. sorry, but this girl is no where near megan fox. we have enough blonde haired “models.” even among blonde “eye candy,” she’s mediocre.

    My favorite quote regarding this was on some other blog, in which the casting of an ex-victoria secret model was more believable as a love interest for shia than megan fox.

    just saying. I’m going to have to call you on the blog tagline of correct opinions…

    • How do you “look” dumb?

      There is nothing about her physical appearance that would illustrate her intelligence.

      In the movie she is playing a scientist. I hardly think that she “looks dumb” in her lab coat and job title just because she is also pretty. Pretty people can’t be smart?

      • Not when the audience knows she is a supermodel. It’s like Denise Richards being a nuclear physicists in the World Is Not Enough. Just not reasonable when you can see past the illusion of the character.
        Like said before, Rachel McAdams is a good enough actress to pull off the illusion. This girl I doubt can act at all. If they needed eye candy they should have just kept Megan Fox and dealt with her drama on set.

      • Why put up with Fox’s diva attitude on set when she is easily replaceable by ANY other pretty face in the world. You still get a pretty face, and no bullshit.

        Not to mention that this gives fans another hook into the source material - as Rosie is playing the part of the girl Sam/Spike eventually marries in the original cartoon.

        And Rachel McAdams is no more or less educated than Rosie (McAdams has a degree, however it is in Theater). Granted I would make a blind wager that McAdams can act better, but this assumption that she is a supermodel so she must be dumb as a doorknob is just ignorance.

    • And Megan Foxx looked like she passed the bar exam?

      “Who gives a shit about the marmot?”


      Robots are the T&A of these films.

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