Trailer: Carnage

Roman Polanski’s new film Carnage tells the story of two sets of parents who decide to have a cordial meeting after their sons are involved in a schoolyard brawl.

Starring John C Reilly, Jodie Foster, Christoph Waltz and Kate Winslet.


With a cast that includes Christoph Waltz you can’t keep me away from this movie. Jodie Foster writing a detailed report for a schoolyard “fight” at the beginning of the trailer just had me shaking my head, I know people like this and it is just hilarious to see.

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About Erik


  • Knightley Jr

    Will hopefully be reviewing some movies shortly.

  • Kevin

    Umm, it’s Christoph Waltz, not Christopher.

    • Erik

      Fixed, sorry about that

  • Bernard

    Quite some heavy hitters cast there (3 oscar winners, 1 nominee). Also Romans Polanski is one a heck of director & storyteller. So i’m expecting nothing less from him.

  • Natalie

    Wow! This looks amazing! I love all of the actors, especially Kate and Christopher, so I’m definitely watching this one.