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News Chat, Trailers
December 19, 2011

Trailer 2: The Dark Knight Rises

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

I am posting as quickly as my fingers will allow. A new, stunning, trailer for Christopher Nolan’s conclusion to his Batman trilogy is now online. No, there’s nothing else to say, quit wasting time reading this and play the damn trailer already!

About time we saw Hathaway in a clip like this. She’s sooo ominous in this video that I don’t know what to make of her. Is she aligned with Bane? What’s Bane’s goal in all of this? Some of us were lucky enough to see the 6 minute preview for the Dark Knight Rises this past weekend and I’m just as confused and awestruck at Bane as I was on first site. I’m going to stew on this for a bit and may come back to update this post after reflecting. What the hell do you guys think? Let me know in the comments. You now have permission to die…

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  • Alex Thomas

    Have never been so excited for a movie release! And the cast is just amazing!

  • ThePeter

    Is there anything special about the football player #86 with the last name “WARD”? (at 1:29 in the trailer)

    Something tells me i’m forgetting something, and WARD is important.

    • Anthony

      As in Burt Ward from the old 60’s TV show? Lots of rumors about that being a clue to the possibility of including Robin in the movie but it’s really Hines Ward from the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • TS Kumar

    Watching the trailer and re-watching… I get a sense that the back breaking may occur somewhere in the middle of the movie…

    Scenes like Alfred lamenting that he couldn’t care for Bruce, Bruce walking with a cane and the scene where he looks disheveled and entering what looks like some underground lair lead to my believe… Could it be a precursor to him entering the Lazarus Pits to cure himself?

    All this will only be confirmed on July 20th 2012

  • Kevin C

    The only problem I had understanding Bane was watching a recorded clip of the prologue, the trailer is fine IMO…

    As for Bane’s story arc, I get the feeling that he is either A. a backup plan for the League of shadows, a response to Bruce leaving the movement.


    B. A sort of long con of Rhas Al Ghul, which would make sense with flashbacks and his appearance in the film. Perhaps Bruce was a pawn in a grand scheme to eventually destroy Gotham. Batman was aside effect, but maybe not unseen…

  • gkwilley

    I think the people that are having touble understanding Bane’s voice have never had children. I have three and I guess my ears are trainied to hear distorted voices by now, because I didn’t have any trouble understanding Bane.

  • Lawrence

    But the bigger shock if both Harvey Dent and Ra’s Al Ghul are both alive and challenges Bruce Wayne to fisticuffs at the end of this movie, after Batman finishes off Bane.

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