Toy Story’s Hawaiian vacation snippet

Disney has released a snippet of the Toy Story Hawaiian vacation short that will play before Cars 2. Don’t look if you don’t want to be spoiled!


God I love those characters. I have no intention of seeing Cars 2 in theaters, so I guess I’ll have to wait for the DVD to see this in its entirety.

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • 420BAND

    Loved the tease!
    I would really like to have another hour and thirty minutes added to the clip for ol’ times sake.

    and preferably NOT before Cars2

  • tyler

    What is with the hate on with the CARS film franchise. It was fun, visuals were great, kids loved it, great merchandise for the kids. The story was’nt groundbreaking, but it had some touching, fun moments. Pixar always seems to deliver and probably does not have a bad movie yet.

    I am just a regular movie goer, with a regular point of view. I think sometimes movie buffs forget who the viewing audience is.

    • Anthony

      different strokes for different folks.

    • cloud720

      Best kid movies are multi-leveled. If I have to spend 100 bucks(3d popcorn soda) to take my kids to see a movie then I hope there is at least something for me and the wife.